Bolonia (Italia)


Información sobre la ciudad:

Es una ciudad de Italia, capital de la ciudad metropolitana homónima y de la región Emilia-Romana (en el norte del país), situada entre el río Reno y el río Savena, cerca de los Apeninos. Es una de las ciudades históricas mejor conservadas y tiene el segundo casco antiguo medieval más grande de Europa, después del de Venecia.

Documentos necesarios:
Es aconsejable viajar provisto de ambos documentos y custodiarlos en lugares separados ya que en caso de pérdida o robo de alguno de ellos, se dispondrá del otro a efectos de identificación.

No son necesarias.

En Roma y otras grandes ciudades son muy frecuentes los robos, por lo que se recomienda muy encarecidamente extremar las precauciones con los objetos personales, sobre todo en los centros urbanos, aeropuertos, estaciones de tren, autobús y metro, monumentos y en general en lugares con gran aglomeración de turistas.

Las condiciones sanitarias son similares a las españolas. Para mayor información, pueden consultarse las siguientes páginas web:
La existencia de bolsas de población no vacunada ha hecho que en los últimos años se den unas tasa relativamente altas de varicela y sarampión en Italia (los casos se concentran en Piamonte, Lazio, Lombardía y Toscana).

Italia es uno de los países de la unión Europea con mayor número de españoles detenidos en centros penitenciarios. La mayor parte de ellos cumplen penas por delitos relacionados con las drogas. En este sentido, debe saberse que tanto el trágico como la posesión de estupefacientes (incluidas las denominadas drogas blandas) son severamente castigados, con penas de hasta 20 años.

En los traslados a los aeropuertos se recomienda acordar el precio del trayecto previamente para evitar sorpresas desagradables.

A la hora de recibir cambio, conviene prestar atención por la circulación de billetes falsos.
Italia es un país de considerable riesgo sísmico. Desde el año 1900 se han registrado más de 30 terremotos de una magnitud mayor de 5 puntos en la escala Richter. En el año 2016, se registraron en el espacio de pocos meses cuatro temblores que han causado numerosas víctimas mortales y cuantiosos daños. La razón de estos movimientos turísticos se en la falla bajo los Apeninos. A pesar de la recurrencia de estos seísmos, no es razón para no visitar ninguna provincia Italiana salvo en periodos de agitación sísmica notable.

Direcciones y teléfonos de interés:
Emergencias: 112
Policía: 113
Emergencia Sanitaria: 118
Embajada de España en Italia: (+39) 06 6840401


Curso: Making the most of new techonologies and social media in the classroom.


Nowadays - either we like or not - social media are playing an important role in our society. Social networks offer to education a wide new range of possibilities and tools, but not without challenges. New technologies can be a muddy environment and approaching it without a proper guidance and a practical training can be a time-consuming task.
Taking part in this course teachers, trainers and education managers will gain a outlook on best practices and concrete ways of using social media to empower and support education. Through an hands-on approach and learning-by-doing methodology participants will develop concrete competences on how to integrate social networks into teaching and training.

This structured course allows participants to improve their ICT skills in a practical and concrete way together with other participants and trainers throughout all Europe thus gaining as well a broader understanding of education in Europe and exchanging best practices and experiences. The general aim of this course is to foster excellence in education by empowering teachers, trainers, headmasters and other education staff to integrate social media into teaching and education.

The course has a flexible approach in order to adapt the learning outcomes to the particular needs and ICT profile of the participants. Thanks to this course the participants will:
- Get acquainted with the most relevant social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube…) and how they can be integrated into education and learning;
- Learn how to design a learning community on Facebook;
- Learn how to use Twitter as a content curator;
- Learn how to design an education board with Pinterest;
- Learn how to easily create a video and post it on YouTube;
- Exchange best practices and share experiences with participants and staff coming throughout Europe;
- Make contacts with individuals and organizations working in the education field in Europe through everyday cooperation and networking activities;
- Visit and network with Italian institutions.

This course is open to: teachers, trainers, headmasters, school and education managers, educational counsellors, career counsellors, other school staff, other adult education staff, other higher education staff, other non-governmental organization staff, public servants.

Please find below the standard indicative daily programme that will be personalized on participants needs and professional profiles. The course will be focused on the social media more relevant for the participants ensuring that the knowledge learned is relevant and can be directly transferable into their work.
Our standard programme comprises 7 days, of which the first one is dedicated to networking, preparation and cultural immersion and the last one to follow up, specific needs and cultural activities, thus participants can opt a shorter 5-days version (Monday to Friday) that covers the core training. Participants can choose to arrive 1 day before the start of the course and/or leave one day after the end of it in order to enjoy a deeper cultural immersion in Italy. Upon specific request we can organize longer versions of this course.

For the courses in Palermo the cultural activities are slightly different and comprises visits to Palermo, Monreale or Cefalù.

Day 1
- Participants arrival
- Individual orientation and information about the venue and the city
- Networking activities
- Guided visit in Bologna (optional)
- Welcome dinner

Day 2
- Course introduction
- Competences ex-ante evaluation
- Social media, Information and Communication Technologies and new digital trends in education and classroom management
- Exchange of best practices and experiences

Day 3
- Introduction to Facebook and how to use it to empower a learning community
- Practical work: creating a group and a page on Facebook
- Practical work: design a learning community on Facebook
- Plenary presentation and peer-review
- Cultural activities in Bologna and traditional Italian aperitif

Day 4
- Introduction to Twitter and how to use it as a content curator
- Practical work: creating a hashtag on twitter
- Practical work: creating a list on twitter
- Plenary presentation and peer-review
- Guided visit in Florence or Venice (optional)

Day 5
- How to easily create a stunning video
- Practical work: creating a video with Magisto or iMovie
- Introduction to YouTube and how to benefit from it for educational reason
- Practical work: creating a channel and a playlist
- Plenary presentation and peer-review

Day 6
- Introduction to Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr and how to use them as an educational tools
- Practical work: creating a board on Pinterest
- Practical work: creating an engaging image
- Practical work: creating an engaging blog
- Plenary presentation and peer-review
- Dinner in traditional Italian restaurant

Day 7
- Space for discussion of future cooperation and planning follow up activities
- Course roundup and final evaluation
- Validation of learning outcomes and certification ceremony
- Additional training session tailored to specific needs (optional)
- Cultural activities or additional guided visit in another major Italian city (optional)
- Participants departure

We tailor the working methods based upon participants’ needs, attitudes and professional profiles in order to ensure high productivity, effectiveness and transferability into practice.
The standard methodology is highly practical and participative with hands-on approach that comprises real-job examples, case studies examination and simulations. We embrace collaboratively working methods that foster mutual learning and cooperation among participants. Our focus is on learning outside the classroom in an interactive and international environment. The pedagogical methods that we use are based upon experiential training, group and peer activities, learning-by-doing and best practices’ exchange.
During the course the participants will develop multimedia content as well as a basic website and e-learning portal. Participants will be working in groups thus having the chance to learn by each other as well as having feedback by fellow teachers, trainers and educators.

Morning Wrap-up and brief daily evaluations are foreseen to ensure quality of education and to adapt the learning programme to participants' needs better tailoring the education.
Free time has been planned to give to the participants time to assimilate the concepts, develop further the group activities, ask trainers for further clarifications, etc. Networking and cooperation among participants will be supported and stimulated at each stage.

We organize optional social, networking and cultural activities in order to give participants the opportunity to know Italy as well as to exchange best-practice and establish professional cooperation and links.
The training and staff team is multinational thus giving a full European dimension to the course.
The class-based course is completed by the support of the e-learning portal that is a great support both before and after the course in Italy.

You can find below the sessions planned. If none of these dates suits you please mind that we may organize an additional session ad-hoc for your school if there are at least 6 participants interested so feel welcome to contact us at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. to let us know about your needs. When adding an ad-hoc session we may be able to organize it in your language.
Bologna, Italy
17/06/2018 - 23/06/2018
17/02/2019 - 23/02/2019
14/07/2019 - 20/07/2019
Tenerife, Spain
04/11/2018 - 10/11/2018
13/10/2019 - 19/10/2019